INTERNATIONAL ISO/IEC STANDARD 3788 Secondedition 1990-08-01 Information processing -- 9-track, 12,7 mm (0,5 in) wide magnetic tape for information interchange using phase encoding at 126 ftpmm (3 200 ftpi) -- 63 cpmm (1 600 cpi) Traitement de I'information --- Bande magnetique a 9 pistes, large de 12.7 mm (0,5 in), pour I'echange d'information, codee en modulation de phase a 126 ftpmm (3200 ftpi)- 63 cpmm (1600 cpi) Reference number ISO/IEC3788:1990(E) Copyright Intermational Organization for Standardization No rep Not for Resale ISO/IEC 3788:1990(E) Foreword ISso (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of Iso or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through with particuiar fields of technical activity. Iso and Ec technical com- mittees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international or- ganizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with iso and iEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information technology, IsO and IEc have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. Draft International Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bod- proval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote. International Standard IsO/IEc 3788 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology. Annex A forms an integral part of this International Standard. Annexes B and C are for information only. ISOVIEC 1990 Alt rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing fromthe publisher. ISO/IECCopyrightOffice·CasePostale56·CH-1211Geneve20·Switzerland Printed in Switzerland Copyright Intemational Oorganizatin for Standardization rmitted without license from IHS Not for Resale INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/IEC 3788:1990(E) Information processing --- 9-track, 12,7 mm (0,5 in) wide magnetic tape for information interchange using phase encoding at 126 ftpmm (3 200 ftpi) - 63 cpmm (1 600 cpi Scope Iso1864:1985.Informationprocessing-- Unrecorded 12,7 mm (0,5 in) wide magnetic tape for information This International Standard specifies a format and interchange --- 32 ftpmm (800 ftpi) NRZ1, 126 ftpmm recording standard for 9-track, 12,7 mm (0,5 in) (3 200 ftpi) phase encoded and 356 ftpmm (9 042 ftpi) magnetic tape to be used for data interchange be. NRZ1. tweeninformationprocessingsystems,communi- cation systems, and associated equipment utilizing Iso 2022:1986,Information processing -- so 7-bit the 7-bit coded character set (see fso 646), its ex- and 8-bit coded character sets -- Coded extension tensioninIsO2022whererequired,oran8-bit techniques coded character set (see IsO 4873). Magnetic label- ling for use on magnetic tape is the subject of iso4873:1986,Informationprocessing Iso8-bit code for information interchange --- Structure and IsO1001.Themagnetictapeandreeltobeused shallconformtoIsO1864and/orISO8064. rulesforimplementation. NOTE1 Numeric values in the Sl and/or Imperial Iso 8064:1985, Information processing -- Reels for measurement system inthis International Standard may 12,7mm (0,5in)widemagnetic tapes-Sizes16,18 have been rounded off and therefore are consistent with, and 22. but not exactly equal to, each other. Either system may be used, but the two should be neither intermixed nor re- converted. The original design was made using the Impe- 3 Definitions rialmeasurementsystem For the purposes of this International Standard, the following definitions apply. 2Normative references 3.1 magnetic tape: A tape which will accept and retain magnetic signals intended for input, output The following standards contain provisions which. and storage purposes on computers and associated through reference in this text
ISO IEC 3788 1990 Information processing — 9-track, 12,7 mm (0,5 in) wide magnetic tape for information interchange using phase encoding at 126 ftpmm (3 200 ftpi), 63 cpmm (1 600 cpi)
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