ISO/IEC INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 9636-2 First edition 1991-12-15 Information technology -- Computer graphics Interfacing techniques for dialogues with graphical devices (CGl) -- Functional specification Part 2: Control Technologies de l'information -Infographie - Interfaces pour I'infographie -- Specifications fonctionnelles - Partie2:Controle Reference number ISO/IEC9636-2:1991(E) Copyright Intermational Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS Not for Resale ISO/IEC 9636-2 : 1991 (E) Contents Page Foreword. iv Introduction Scope 2 2 3 3.1 Introduction. 3.2 Virtual Device management 3.2.1 Device control 3.2.2 Drawing surface 3.2.3 Deferral mode. 3.2.4 Serial synchronous interface 3.3 3.3.1 The Virtual Device coordinate system 3.3.2 Device coordinates.. 3.3.3 Device viewport 3.3.4 VDC spaceand range 3.3.5 VDC extent.... 3.3.6 VDC tailoring 3.3.7 Drawing surface clipping. 3.4 Errorcontrol 3.5 Miscellaneous control.. 3.5.1 Numerical precision requirement specifications 3.5.2 Escape concepts. 3.5.3 Extemal functions. 3.6 Inquiry concepts... Interactions with other parts of ISO/IEC 9636... 11 4.1 Interactions with more than one part of ISO/IEC 9636. 11 4.1.1 Virtual Device management. 11 4.1.2 Coordinate space control 11 4.1.3 11 4.1.4 Miscellaneou 11 5 Abstractspecification offunction 12 5.1 Introduction... 12 5.1.1 Control functions 12 5.1.2 Validity of returned information 12 5.1.3 Data types employed . 12 5.2 Virtual Device management functions 12 5.2.1 INITIALIZE ... 12 5.2.2 TERMINATE... 13 5.23 EXECUTEDEFERREDACTIONS. 13 5.2.4 DEFERRAL MODE.. 13 5.2.5 PREPAREDRAWINGSURFACE 13 5.2.6 ENDPAGE 14 5.3 Coordinate space control functions 14 53.1 VDCTYPE 14 5.3.2 VDCINTEGERPRECISIONREOUIREMENT 14 5.3.3 VDC REAL PRECISION REQUIREMENTS 15 5.3.4 VDCEXTENT 5.3.5 DEVICE VIEWPORT 15 ? ISO/IEC 1991 AH rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanicai, inctuding photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher. ISO/IEC Copyright Office . Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneve 20 . Switzerland Printed in Switzerland ii Copyright Intermational Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS unde ing permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale ISO/IEC 9636-2 : 1991 (E) 5.3.6 DEVICEVIEWPORTSPECIFICATIONMODE 16 5.3.7 DEVICE VIEWPORT MAPPING... 16 5.3.8 DRAWINGSURFACECLIPRECTANGLE 17 5.3.9 DRAWING SURFACE CLIP INDICATOR. 17 5.4 Error functions. 17 5.4.1 DEQUEUE ERROR REPORTS 17 5.4.2 ERROR HANDLING CONTROL 18 5.5 Miscellaneous control functions.... 18 5.5.1 INTEGERPRECISION REQUIREMENT 18 5.5.2 REAL PRECISION REQUIREMENTS 18 5.5.3 INDEXPRECISIONREQUIREMENT 19 5.5.4 COLOURPRECISIONREOUIREMENT 19 5.5.5 COLOURINDEXPRECISIONREOUIREMENT 20 5.5.6 CLIENTSPECIFIEDNAMEPRECISIONREQUIREMENT 20 5.5.7 MESSAGE 20 5.5.8 ESCAPE 21 5.5.9 GETESCAPE 21 5.5.10 STATELISTINQUIRYSOURCE 22 6 Control inquiry functions . 24 6.1 Introduction. 24 6.1.1 Control inquiry functions .. 24 6.1.2 Data types employed. 24 6.1.3 Validity of returned information 24 6.2 Device Identity Description Table .... 24 6.2.1 INQUIRE DEVICE IDENTIFICATION.. 24 6.3 Output Device Description Table .. 25 6.3.1 INQUIRE DEVICE DESCRIPTION 25 6.4 Function and Profile Support Description Table 25 6.4.1 LOOKUP FUNCTION SUPPORT 25 6.4.2 LOOKUP PROFILE SUPPORT 25 6.4.3 INQUIRE LIST OF PROFILE SUPPORT INDICATORS 26 6.5 Control Description Table. 26 6.5.1 INQUIRE SUPPORTED VDC TYPES 26 6.5.2 INQUIREDEVICECONTROLCAPABILITY 26 6.5.3 LOOKUPESCAPE SUPPORT.. 27 6.5.4 LOOKUPGET ESCAPE SUPPORT 27 Control State List. 27 6.6 6.6.1 INOUIRECONTROLSTATE 27 6.6.2 INQUIRE CURRENT PRECISION REQUIREMENTS 27 6.6.3 INQUIREVDCTODEVICEMAPPING. 28 6.6.4 INQUIRE ERROR HANDLING. 28 6.6.5 INQUIREMISCELLANEOUSCONTROLSTATE 29 7 CGI descriptiontables and state lists 30 7.1 Description tables. 30 7.2 State lists 32 A Formal Grammar of the Functional Specification 34 B Control errors 43 c GuidelinesforCGI implementor 44
ISO IEC 9636-2 1991 Information technology — Computer graphics — Interfacing techniques for dialogues with graphical devices (CGI) — Functional specification — Part 2 Control
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