ISO/IEC INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 8441-2 First edition 1991-08-01 Information technology - High density digital recording (HDDR) Part 2: Guide for interchange practice Technologies de I'information --- Enregistrement numerique a haute densité (HDDR) Partie 2: Guide pour I'échange d'information Reference number ISO/IEC 8441-2:1991(E) Copyright International Organization for Standardization nitted without license from IHS Not for Resale ISO/IEC 8441-2:1991(E) Contents Page Scope Normative refereno 2 3 Definitions Recording and reproducing characteristics 4.1 General 4.2 Tape speeds 4.3 Track configurations 4.4 Recorder/reproducer characteristics 5 4.5 Other characteristics 6 Methods for high density digital recording 15 15 5.1 Introduction 15 5.2 Record transfer function 15 Flux transition densities and rates for high density recording 5.3 16 5.4 Data input/output 16 5.5 Data sense 16 5.6 Reproduce equalization Other system parameters 17 5.7 ?ISO/IEC 1991 or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher ISO/IEC Copyright Office · Case Postale 56 · CH-1211 Geneve 20 · Switzerland Printed in Switzeriand fromIHS Not for Resale ISO/IEC 8441-2:1991(E) 5.8Auxiliary data recording 17 Annexes Operating modes, performance categories, and cross-play criteria A for high density PCM recording systems 18 Performance categories A.1 18 A.1.1 General 18 A.1.2 Record head gap length for category A and category B performance 18 18 A.1.3 Record head gap length for category C performance A.1.4 Operating modes 19 A.2 Single track serial high density recording 19 A.2.1 Serial high density recording with wideband analogue recorder/reproducer (category A) 19 A.2.2 Parallel high density digital recording 21 Recording techniques 22 B B.1 Recording code names and their abbreviations 22 B.2 Enhanced NRZ format for parallel HDDR 22 ENRZ coding B.2.1 22 B.2.2 ENRZ -- parallel HDDR format 22 B.2.3 Summary of enhanced NRZ format 22 B.3 Miller squared format (M2) for parallel HDDR 23 23 B.3.1 Miller squared coding B.3.2 M2 format for parallel HDDR 23 B.3.3 Summary of M2 format 24 B.3.4 M2 format bandwidth utilization/packing density 24 Randomized NRZ-L format parallel HDDR B.4 24 B.4.1 RNRZ-L coding 24 B.4.2 RNRZ-L parallel HDDR format 24 B.4.3 Summary of randomized NRZ-L format 25 Randomized NRZ-L format bandwidth utilization/packing B.4.4 25 density PROp format for parallel HDDR (Pseudo random odd parity) B.5 26 B.5.1 General 26 ili Not for Resale

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ISO_IEC 8441-2-1991Information technology -- High density digital recording (HDDR) -- Part 2_ Guide 第 1 页 ISO_IEC 8441-2-1991Information technology -- High density digital recording (HDDR) -- Part 2_ Guide 第 2 页 ISO_IEC 8441-2-1991Information technology -- High density digital recording (HDDR) -- Part 2_ Guide 第 3 页
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