INTERNATIONAL ISO/IEC STANDARD 9636-4 First edition 1991-12-15 Information technology --- Computer graphics Interfacing techniques for dialogues with graphical devices (CGl) -- Functional specification Part 4: Segments Technologies de I'information -- Infographie -- Interfaces pour I'infographie -- Specifications fonctionnelles Partie 4: Segments Reference number ISO/IEC 9636-4:1991(E) Copyright International Organization for Standardization working permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale ISO/IEC 9636-4 : 1991 (E) Contents Page Foreword. iv Introduction. 1 Scope 2 Normative references .... 3 Concepts. 3.1 Introduction.. 3 Relationship of CGI segments to the graphic output pipeline 3.1.1 Creating segments.... 3.2 3.2.1 Segment identifiers .... Creating and closing segments... 3.2.2 3.2.3 Non-retained data.... Segment storage overflow. 3.2.4 3.3 Segment attributes 3.3.1 Introduction 3.3.2 Segment highlighting 3.3.3 Segment visibility.... 3.3.4 Segment detectability Segment display priority . 3.3.5 Segment pick priority. 3.3.6 3.3.7 Segment transformation . 3.4 Segment display. 3.4.1 Introduction 3.4.2 Segment regeneration 3.4.3 Quick update methods... 3.4.4 Explicit segment display .. 3.5 Copy segment and the inheritance filter... Delete and rename segments 3.6 10 3.7 Inquiry 10 Picking 3.8 10 3.9 State restrictions ... 11 Interactions with other parts of ISO/IEC 9636 .. 12 4.1 Interactions with ISO/IEC 9636-2. 12 4.1.1 INITIALIZE and TERMINATE 12 4.2 Interactions with ISO/IEC 9636-5.. 12 4.3 Interactions with ISO/IEC 9636-6... 12 Abstract specification of functions. 13 Introduction.. 5.1 13 5.1.1 13 Data types employed. 5.1.2 Validity of returned information. 13 5.2 13 5.2.1 GETNEW SEGMENT IDENTIFIER 13 5.2.2 CREATE SEGMENT 13 5.2.3 REOPEN SEGMENT. 5.2.4 CLOSE SEGMENT 14 5.2.5 COPY SEGMENT 15 5.2.6 DELETE SEGMENT 16 DELETE ALL SEGMENTS 5.2.7 16 5.2.8 RENAME SEGMENT 17 DRAW ALL SEGMENTS 5.2.9 @ ISO/IEC1991 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher. ISO/IEC Copyright Office · Case postale 56 · CH-1211 Geneve 20 · Switzerland Printed in Switzerland i Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with IS( Not for Resale No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS ISO/IEC 9636-4 : 1991 (E) 5.2.10 IMPLICIT SEGMENT REGENERATION MODE 17 5.2.11 RESET REGENERATION PENDING. 18 5.2.12 PICK IDENTIFIER 18 5.3 functions. 18 Segment attribute SEGMENT VISIBILITY ...... 5.3.1 18 5.3.2 SEGMENT TRANSFORMATION 19 HIGHLIGHTING. 19 5.3.3 SEGMENT 5.3.4 19 SEGMENTDISPLAY PRIORITY 5.3.5 20 SEGMENT DETECTABILITY 5.3.6 SEGMENT PICK PRIORIT 20 20 5.4 segment functions.... 5.4.1 20 SIMULATE 5.4.2 21 INHERITANCE FILTER.. 5.4.3 23 CLIPPING INHERITANCE Segment inquiry functions. 24 6 24 6.1 Introduction . Data types employed 24 6.1.1 6.1.2 Validity of returned information... 24 Segment description table.... 24 6.2 6.2.1 24 INQUIRESEGMENTCAPABILITY 25 6.3 25 6.3.1 INQUIRE SEGMENT STATE INQUIRE LIST OF INHERITANCE FILTER SETTINGS. 25 6.3.2 25 6.3.3 INQUIRE CLIPPING INHERITANCE ... 6.3.4 25 INQUIRE LIST OF SEGMENT IDENTIFIERS IN USE 6.4 Individual segment state list ... 26 6.4.1 INQUIREINDIVIDUAL SEGMENT STATE 26 CGI description tables and state lists . 27 Description 7.1 27 7.2.1 Segment 28 state 7.2.2 Individual segment state 28 list.. Formal grammar of the functional specification..... A 29 B Segment errors 39 c Guidelines to implementors . 40 c Ex amples of COPY SEGMENT 41 iii Copyright International Organization for Standardization ensefromIHS Not for Resale

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ISO_IEC 9636-4-1991Information technology -- Computer graphics -- Interfacing techniques for dialogu 第 1 页 ISO_IEC 9636-4-1991Information technology -- Computer graphics -- Interfacing techniques for dialogu 第 2 页 ISO_IEC 9636-4-1991Information technology -- Computer graphics -- Interfacing techniques for dialogu 第 3 页
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